Thursday, November 5, 2009

Things are Getting Kind of Blurry.

I have spent my afternoon preparing the first lesson in a new series I will start teaching Sunday Night.  Through my studies I came across a very simple statement, simple and direct.   It is in William Evens book titled What Every Christian Should Believe.  Mr Evens says this "Philosophy and science never have nor never can save a soul"

Isn't that great!   I never have been a huge fan of science.  Dissecting a frog in High school was pretty cool, but really as a whole science, not my thing.  I took Philosophy in college and loved it.  I would have to read the chapter in the book over and over to try to get it, but I loved wrestling with the "deep thinkers" of history and trying to disprove their silly ideas.

Science and philosophy are not as a whole "bad"  However they both can take our eyes off of what is actually important.  Where should our eyes be focused?  Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." (ESV)

I have spent countless hours debating philosophical issues trying to convert a lost sinner to no success.  I have reasoned science with many athiest and agnostics, elequently showing the logic of Scripture, trying to win souls with no success.  The message that should constantly be our focus is the Gospel. 

Not the prosperity gospel, or some messed up version of our own gospel, but the gospel of Jesus Christ!  The Truth that we are hopeless sinners in need of a Savior.  The Truth that it is God's law that shows us our utter depravity.  The Truth that Jesus Christ was the substitutionary atonement on the cross for us, and absorbed the full wrath of God so that we could be made right in the eyes of a Holy God!  The Truth that if we die without the Savior, we face the wrath of God for all eternity in a literal hell.  The Truth that if we put our trust in Jesus, and repent we will be saved from eternal punishment.  THE GOSPEL!

I would like to encourage you today to stay focused.  Stay focused on the gospel.  Philosophy and science may do some good things, but they have never nor will they ever save a soul.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

O the "Joys" of Birthdays

Yes today I turn another year older.  Hard to believe because this morning I woke up the same way I do every morning, over weight, tired, sore ankle, sore knee, and a sore back.  As I looked in the mirror I saw the same double chin staring back at me that stared at me yesterday.  Truly I feel no wiser, smarter or adult, then I did last week.

B-days are kind of a funny thing.  For my wife, her birthday is a grand celebration.  A month long celebration actually.  Cake, ice cream and a house full of balloons, and streamers, and my dog wearing a Barbie party hat.  She loves it!  And although she is several years older then me (just wanted to point that out) on her B-day she has the joy and excitement of a child.  It is truly a joy for me to do all I can to make her special day even more special.

However for me, my B-day is just kind of another Tuesday.  And really that is kinda of how I like it.  For me, my B-day is filled with mixed thoughts that bring me to high peeks of joy, and deep valleys of regrets.  One thought is "wow, what happened to life?" and the other thought, "Man life is so much better then I ever imagined it!"

As I start my last year in the glorious 20's I am reminded of my childhood thoughts of fortune, fame, and a booming career with the Detroit Pistons.  I was going to have it all, superstar status, and a pocket full of cash.   The reality however is as different as black and white.

Instead of the fame and fortune of the NBA, I have the fame of an Associate Pastor, and the salary to match.  As I look in my wallet, I see nothing green, only a bunch of recites showing where the green went.  My mansion is a 3 bedroom farm house, built in the dark ages, my Corvette is a Pontiac G3 (yes it is a real car).  And I was sure by this point in life, I would have it all figured out, and I would be an "adult."

But really, life truly is better then I could ever have pictured it!  I have been married to my high school girlfriend for 10 years, and she is still the love of my life!  I have the two greatest boys in the world, whose smiles and laughs are worth more than any amount of cash.  As I woke up this morning to my youngest (Justice) who is 7 months old, pulling on my ear trying to eat it no doubt, and my oldest (Truman) who is 3 giving me a big wet, "cheek fart" and driving his bony elbows into my side, I thought, "this is the life." 

I doubt I will ever feel "grown up," and I cannot get back the wasted 28 years of my life however if it never get's better then this I will die a happy man.  Thank you God, for knowing what I need, better then what I do!