Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ta Da, I'm Here!

I will make my introduction short, as I am well aware that most people's love for lengthy reading ranks right up there with getting kicked in the face. Trust me, I am with ya on that. Let me first say thank you and welcome to "Then They Will Know" I will assume that for most of you this will be your only visit, so in that case I will say, thank you and good bye as well.

Let's start with a brief explanation of the title "Then They Will Know." I have recently been doing some reading in the book of Ezekiel (in the Bible). The book of Ezekiel carries a powerful message, one that I hope in time we will break down in more detail. However for now a brief overview will have to do. Ezekiel (a prophet) brings two main messages to the people. The first being Judgment (yikes we don't like that one) and second the promise of restoration (ahh, much better). Throughout the book you will find this phrase "Then they will know that I am the Lord"

What sparked in my little mind when I read this is the great lengths God will go to for people to know that He is Lord. Looking at our society today, I see a great need for people to Know that God is Lord. My motive, goal, or hope for this blog is to pass on various insights, thoughts, even the occasional witty story that will help us all to know that God is Lord, and we should live accordingly.

I shall conclude this intro, as I am sure I am the only one still reading this. Please pop in from time to time, drop a comment and share your own insight. I ask that you give me a day or two to get the hang of this whole "blogging thing." Well till next time, I'm out!

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