Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If it Looks like a Goat, Then it is Not a Sheep

Sometimes I am blown away at the silliness of "modern Christianity."  We love to take selected text from Scripture and separate them out individually so we can make then say all kinds of false teaching that fit better with our comfort level and society. 
For example Matthew 7:1 says "Judge not, that you be not judged."  This seems to be one of the favorite verses for non-believers and believers alike to twist, and all kinds of damage has been done in the name of "following" this text.  
For the purpose of a short post allow me to briefly attempt to explain what Jesus was saying.  Back in the day the religious leaders (Pharisees) had elevated themselves to a position of self righteousness.  They looked down and condemned all those who were not part of the elite.  They themselves made themselves the standard of holiness, and devotion to God.  As others looked to please God and serve God they were squashed by the pharisees, who declared "unless you be like us, you cannot know God" 

Now if you happen to be a non follower of The Way and you somehow got lost and landed on this post then you are probably thinking "well that sounds like most "Christians" I know."  Well you may be right.  Many who profess the name of Christ have elevated themselves to high positions of "religious glory."  They do this against God, and against His Word.  Pastors, evangelist, missionaries as well as other faithfull church attenders have declared themselves to be the standard of holiness as the pharisees did.

Others of you who may be followers of The Way and have accidentally stumbled  across this post while looking for tips on raising sheep or goats you may be thinking "but that is just a good rule to live by, if I don't judge, then no one will judge me.  What could go wrong with that."  To that I say nothing is wrong with it if you don't want to follow Christ!

The bottom line is we are not to judge in the way the pharisees of old, or the pharisees of today judge.  An elevating of self, making ourselves the measure of holiness.  However if we see someone who is clearly walking in the ways of the world, and are not lining up with God's Word (not our word) but "God's Word then we have an obligation, duty, and calling to lovingly confront their lifestyle.  Not with with an attitude of supremacy, but with love, compassion and grace knowing the great danger they are in, unless they repent, believe in the gospel and are made a new creation in Christ.

The danger that lies in the false teaching of this text is that many are marching happily down the broad path that leads to destruction, but think they are going to enter through the narrow gate that leads to life and no one is warning them.  If you believe we are not supposed to "judge" others even when they are openly living in sin your attitude will be an attitude of complacency and selfishness.  "Well who am I to say something, they say they are a Christian so that is between them and God" 

Do you see the difference in going to someone and saying "YOU WEREN'T IN CHURCH LAST SUNDAY, AND YOU DIDN'T GIVE IN THE OFFERING, AND YOUR KIDS ARE LITTLE DEVILS. YOU NEED TO BE A GOOD CHRISTIAN LIKE ME.  Or, "Friend looking at your life knowing that you profess to be a christian I am concerned that you may not be in the faith, please examine yourselff in the light of Scripture, test yourself and see if you are walking with Christ.  I am concerned by your actions that you are not walking in the light, but are still enjoying the dark.  Repent and turn to Christ."

My friends we don't hesitate to call someone who commits murder a murderer we don't hesitate to say that the sky is blue, or that a ball is round.  However when we see a herd of goats telling everyone they are sheep, we say "well who am I to say they are not really sheep."  My friends, if it looks like a goat, it is not a sheep.  Lovingly confront and spread the message of salvation to a world who believes themselves to be saved, but are lost.

1 comment:

  1. Especially love the second to the last paragraph, Travis....chew on this too.

    1 Cor 6:2-4
    Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!
