For about the last week my oldest son Truman has decided that he is a "Super Hero" He runs through the house wearing his Super Suit yelling "T-Man to the rescue!" He has even came up with his own theme song that changes frequently but goes something like this "He's T-Man, he's a big guy, yeah he's a big guy, he's T-Man, he can rescue anything, he's got the power, he's got the pooooweeerrrrr!!!!!!" Trust me if you could see the dance that goes along with it you would be falling out off your chair right now.
The greatest thing about T-Man is just ask him where he gets his power from. With both hands in the air and as loud as he can he will respond "GOD!!!!!!!" Isn't that great. A super hero, with the power to rescue anything and he get's his power from God.
There is so much truth packed into these simple words from a four year old that I don't know where to begin to unravel it all. It has been rather convicting for myself as I have thought about these words. "How come my four year old get's it, and I at 29 continue to try to draw the power to rescue from myself?"
I have been in a variety of roles in church leadership. From Deacon, to Trustee, various commitee's, Youth Pastor, Chrisian Education Pastor and as I review the vast majority of my efforts I am alarmed at the discovery. I have sat through endless brainstorming meetings, planning meetings, confrences and retreats focused on how to build a program, or grow a church. Methods, techinques, how to relate, how to be relevant, and on and on. I have focused the majority of my "career" on man made ideas desinged to win and whoo people into some kind of religious commitment to Jesus Christ, (to rescue them).
Where does the power to resuce from? God, Who has the power to save? God. Where do all these man made ideas about relevance, and method come from? There is so much focus how to do "church", and we have all kinds of ideas about what it takes to be succesful. But what does the Bible say? Can anyone tell me where Paul wrote to any of the early churches and gave them a list of methods and techniques? Is the book of Acts filled with how to be culturally relevant? Did Paul write Timothy, a young preaher and say what you really need is a more exciting kids program on Wednesday night? Did Jesus, in any of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation say anything about programs, outreach events, confrences.
I will tell you with great confidence the answer to all these questions is no. Instead we read warnings of false teachers moving into the church, the need to preach the Word, and Jesus' last word to the church was repent.
Is God not soveriegn? Is His providence not perfect? Are not all our answes about how to "do church" found in God's Word? Where are we drawing our power to rescue from? God or Man?
I feel I am rambling so I will finish with this thought. We can learn a valuable lesson from a four year old super hero named "T-Man" The power to rescue everything comes from God and God alone. Let's take the glory off of our own efforts, and return the Glory to God.